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Bexley Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service (BYPDAS) are part of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and we support young people who are misusing substances.
We provide assessments and perform evidence-based interventions based on the individual’s clinical needs. These interventions include providing advice and support around substances, signposting, brief focused, and goal-based, interventions.
Please note that we are not an emergency service.
BYPDAS is a community substance misuse service covering the borough of Bexley. We operate Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. We are a team made up of a specialist substance misuse nurse and two recovery practitioners.
We work closely with young people who are, or have been (within the past 28 days), misusing substances, this includes drugs and alcohol.
To access this service, you must:
We provide appointments in our clinic base, as well as homes, schools and other community settings.
We offer telephone and video appointments for children, young people and their families.
We have several disabled parking bays outside of the clinic. Our clinic spaces are on the ground floor.
You can be referred to our service by:
Please view and download our referral form here: BYPDAS referral form 2023.docx [docx] 3MB
Public phone number: 0203 260 5200
Monday to Friday (9am to 4.30pm)
If you need help urgently, please contact:
SLP CAMHS Crisis Line: 0203 228 5980
Monday to Friday (5pm to 11pm)
Weekends and Bank Holidays (9am to 11pm)
Outside of these times, please call:
Oxleas Urgent Crisis Line: 0800 330 8590
BYPDAS is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
If you need to speak with a clinician in the service, you can contact them via our reception. They will leave a message for them to contact you.
If your call is about changing an appointment time or date, please let the receptionist know. They will inform the team administrator and schedule a new appointment. By informing us when you cannot make a planned appointment, we can re-assign that appointment to another young person. This helps keep waiting times low.
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