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Anxiety, Depression, Affective disorders, Personality Disorders and Trauma (ADAPT) Service - Bromley

  • The Bromley Anxiety, Depression, Personality Disorders and Trauma (ADAPT) Service provides focused, therapeutic interventions to adults who require care and treatment for anxiety, depression, affective disorders, personality disorders and trauma.

  • Reception phone number: 01689 892300

How to access this service

To access this service, you must be:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • Registered with a Bromley GP


You can be referred to this service by:

  • Your GP
  • Internal healthcare settings

We do not accept referrals from patients living in Bromley who are registered with a non-Bromley GP.

We discuss each referral in an MDT meeting and assess whether our service can help. If not, the referral will be sent back to the referrer with further guidance.

How to contact this service

Public phone number: 01689 892300 (Carlton Parade main switchboard number)

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen