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Assessment for admission avoidance team (AAA team) - Acute and Crisis

  • The assessment for admission avoidance team (AAA team) provides a rapid response assessment service for those in mental heath crisis. We can also signpost to the most appropriate service for ongoing support.

    We operate a no wrong door policy, which means we screen every referral sent to us to determine if a crisis assessment is required.

  • Reception phone number: 020 3889 5214 or 020 3668 9469
  • Service hours: Between 7am to 12am, seven days a week.

Our team

Our team comprises of:

  • Experienced clinical lead mental health practitioners
  • Support workers
  • We also have access to medical staff if required

How to access this service

To access this service, you must:

  • Live or be currently residing in within the Bexley, Bromley, or Greenwich catchment areas
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 68


We accept referrals from:

  • Community mental health service
  • Crisis line
  • Inpatient wards
  • Mental health hub
  • NHS 111*2 for mental health
  • GP primary care nurses
  • Criminal justice liaison teams & prisons

We do not accept self-referrals or referrals from family members.

How to contact this service

Our acute and crisis AAA team operates between 7am to 12am, seven days a week.

Phone number: 020 3889 5214 or 020 3668 9469

we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care