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The Bracton Centre offers an award-winning Seven Day Therapies Programme that provides group interventions to service users and carers.
After the Seven Day Therapies Programme’s first year, there was a 15% reduction in violence and aggression amongst service users. This demonstrates the positive impact pro-social structured activity in ward-based settings can have.
Each of the six wards has a designated Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Registered Occupational Therapist, and Occupational Therapy Apprentice.
There is a fully trained Sports Team offering both an individual and group fitness programme, a referral form needs to be completed with a health check by medical or nursing staff.
A Forensic Recovery College is based in the Therapies Department at the Bracton Centre. A designated Forensic Recovery College Lead offers co-produced courses in the prospectus for each academic year.
Centre safety
The Seven Day Therapies Programme is reviewed regularly by the User Forum to ensure it meets the needs of service users and carers. Each group activity has a protocol with robust risk assessment and management processes in place.
An Occupational Therapist chairs the daily handover meetings. The meetings involve the following processes:
Individual and group interventions are risk assessed and managed in line with Trust Policy to ensure safe working practices. Each of the clinical rooms has a health and safety assessment, in line with the Trust Policy, regarding the safe management of sharps.
The sharps safe is checked daily, signed and recorded at daily handover. Sharps audits are conducted in:
Room OT2 - Therapy Centre
Room OT3 - Activities of Daily Living Kitchen (with sharps safe)
Room OT7 - Fitness Studio/Gym (with sharps safe)
Room OT19 - Sports Hall
Room OT21 - The Haven Multi-Faith Room
Room OT29 - Arts Studio (with sharps safe)
Room OT30 - Picture Framing Workshop
Room OT31 - Recovery College Room
Room OT32 - Sensory Clinical Room
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