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Greenwich Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) supports people under the age of 18 who are struggling with their mental health.
We provide routine and urgent assessments and perform evidence-based interventions based on the individual’s clinical needs. These interventions include providing advice, signposting and brief focused, goal-based support.
We provide early intervention services through children’s centres and schools across the borough of Greenwich.
Please note that we are not an emergency service.
We are a multidisciplinary team. This means we are a group of professionals who specialise in different areas of medicine but work together to make decisions about how to care for people with mental health conditions.
We also work closely with children, young people, and their parents or carers. The team collaborates with other local services in the borough of Greenwich. This includes:
We recognise that everyone plays an important role in supporting good mental health.
To access this service, you must:
We provide appointments in our clinic base and homes, schools and other community settings. We also offer telephone and video appointments for children, young people and their families.
You can be referred to our service by:
Please view and download our Specialist CAMHS referral form here:
Public phone number: 0203 260 5211
Monday to Friday (8am to 7pm)
If you need help urgently, please contact:
SLP CAMHS Crisis Line: 0203 228 5980
Monday to Friday (5pm to 11pm)
Weekends and Bank Holidays (9am to 11pm)
Outside of these times, please call:
Oxleas Urgent Crisis Line: 0800 330 8590
GrCAMHS is open Monday to Friday (8am to 7pm)
If you need to speak with a clinician in the service, you can contact them via our reception who will leave a message for them to contact you.
If your call is about changing an appointment time or date, please let the receptionist know. They will inform the team administrator and schedule a new appointment. By informing us when you cannot make a planned appointment, we can re-assign that appointment to another family. This helps keep waiting times low.
CAMHS Waiting Times – Greenwich
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are facing significant challenges both nationally and locally. Across South East London, demand for services has increased substantially in recent years. There are also difficulties in recruiting to some specific clinical roles within the CAMHS workforce due to national shortages of qualified staff. Unfortunately, these factors have both contributed to the development of long waiting lists for a number of our interventions.
At Oxleas NHS, we place great emphasis on providing responsive services and we understand that waiting periods can have a significant impact upon children, young people and their families/carers. We are committed to reducing waiting times across CAMHS and are implementing transformation plans across our services to help us achieve ambitious regional targets and our trustwide strategic priority of zero delays in accessing care. Our target is that no one waits longer than 52 weeks for assessment by October 2023.
In response to service user feedback, we are also developing the range and depth of support that is available while waiting for assessment or treatment from CAMHS. This includes making information regarding current average assessment waiting times available through our website, which will be updated monthly.
Assessment Waiting Times
The information provided below illustrates the average length of time those currently on an assessment waiting list have waited by the different clinical teams/pathways in our service. Waiting times can be influenced by a range of factors and it is not unusual for waits to differ greatly across teams/pathways due to the different needs of those we care for. Please contact the service if you are unclear which team/pathway you have been referred to. It is important to note that this data does not represent the projected or likely waiting time for new referrals.
If your situation changes or you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the service:
Tel: 020 3260 5211 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
If you require urgent advice outside of these hours, please contact:
CAMHS Crisis Line on 020 3228 5980 (Monday to Friday, 5pm to 11pm) or (Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays, 9am to 11pm)
Oxleas Urgent Advice Line on 0800 330 8590 (available 24/7)
If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a child or young person, please contact 999.
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