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Greenwich Children’s Integrated Therapies Service provides Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy to children and young people within Greenwich.
Our service areas
The service operates within the following three service areas:
Early Years Team - Offers assessment and intervention for children under the age of five years or who are yet to start school. Support is needs-led and provided in one-to-one or group formats. The team also works with parents and nursery staff.
School Years Team - Provides assessment and intervention for children and young people aged five to 19 who attend mainstream schools. This is extended up to the age of 25 for young people with an EHCP.
Speech and Language Therapy is usually provided at school, while Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy sessions generally take place in a clinic.
Several interventions are available, based on client needs, including one-to-one and group sessions. We consult with school staff and parents to embed therapeutic strategies into the child or young person’s everyday life. Services are also provided to ASD Outreach and the Youth Offending Service (YOS).
Special Schools Team - Provides assessment and intervention for people who have profound and complex needs and attend a Greenwich Special School. Most support takes place in schools. However, home visits are provided when required.
Our stand-alone services
Three stand-alone support services also sit across the service areas:
The MOVE team - A physiotherapy team that works with schools to facilitate the integration of movement opportunities into a child’s daily routine.
Rapid response team - A physiotherapy team that delivers urgent support to babies born with congenital conditions. It also supports complex hospital discharges.
Dysphagia and Complex Needs (DCN) team - A speech and language therapy team that primarily supports the eating and drinking skills of babies and young children with complex needs.
To access this service, you must:
The Service is also available to young people aged 19-25 years if they have a Greenwich EHCP specifying Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or Speech and Language Therapy input.
Some children attending a Greenwich school can also access support from Speech and Language Therapy, even if they do not live in the borough or have a Greenwich GP.
The service has an open referral policy and accepts referrals from:
Please fill out our form to make a referral and send to:
Email: oxl-tr.childrenstherapies@nhs.net
Post: Children’s Therapy Services, Memorial Hospital, Shooters Hill, SE18 3RG
Email: oxl-tr.childrenstherapies@nhs.net
Public phone number: 020 8836 8621 - Select Option 2, followed by Option 2
Service hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
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