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Community Children's Nursing and Hospital at Home Service

  • The Community Children's Nursing and Hospital at HomeTeam provides an integrated service to provide highly skilled nursing care for children and young people in their own homes, a clinic or community setting. The service provides support for children and young people up to the age of 18 in the boroughs of Bexley and Greenwich.

    There are many ways that we can look after a patient at home, including:

    • Wound care
    • Intravenous/intramuscular medication
    • Sleep studies
    • Nasogastric and gastrostomy care
    • Oncology care/some chemotherapy
    • Central line care
    • Long term conditions/complex needs
    • Oxygen therapy
    • Symptom control management
    • End of life care
    • Teaching and education

    We also offer nurse-led clinics in various venues across the London boroughs of Bexley and Greenwich.

    We will work with you, your family and your child to plan care together.

    To refer to the Community Children's Nursing and Hospital at Home Service, please see 'how to refer'.

How to access this service

To access this service, you must:

  • Live either in the London Borough of Bexley or Royal Borough of Greenwich
  • Be aged 18 or under


Anyone from health, social services, education, voluntary sectors and parents can make a referral.

On referral, a member of the nursing team will undertake a full assessment. A plan of care is then agreed between the family, child or young person and nurse.

Some children may have needs that the service cannot meet. If so they will be referred to the most appropriate service.

To refer, please complete the referral form below and email to us at:

How to contact this service


Reception phone number: 0203 004 0092 (Option 1)

Service hours: Daily from 8am to 8.30pm

If a member of staff is not available, please leave a message with your name and number and your call will be returned as soon as possible. In an emergency, please contact your GP, local hospital or an ambulance.

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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care