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The Greenwich Community Mental Health Rehabilitation and Enablement Service (CMHRES) is a mental health team based at The Heights in Greenwich.
We work with adults aged 18 to 65 who have a primary mental health diagnosis of Psychosis. You must also have rehabilitation and enablement needs that can be met in the community.
We are an intensive service and can work with people to enhance and build their skills to increase their independence and engage in employment or training. Where possible, we aim to reach a point where patients can be discharged to primary care services.
To achieve this, we work with you, your family and your support networks to develop daily living skills, such as budgeting, shopping, attending appointments and managing a tenancy.
We can work with people for up to two years.
To access this service you must:
You can be referred to this service by:
We assess and discuss all referrals to ensure they are suitable for this service.
Referrals can be made to oxl-tr.greenwichcmhres@nhs.net. The referral should include the person's basic details, what their rehabilitation and enablement needs are, and evidence that they have consented to the referral.
Email: oxl-tr.greenwichcmhres@nhs.net
Public phone number: 0203 910 7456
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