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Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service - Bexley

  • Bexley Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service provides care to adults in the Bexley area that suffer from a range of muscle, bone and joint problems.

    We can help you manage a range of common conditions, including:

    • Sports injuries
    • Back pain
    • Neck pain
    • Tendinopathy
    • Plantar fasciitis
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Emotional distress caused by painful conditions

    Our team will help create a treatment plan that meets your needs. Common treatments include:

    • Lessons on health and well-being
    • Advice on sport and exercise
    • Rehabilitation with one-to-one exercise sessions
    • Group exercise classes, such as pilates and hydrotherapy
    • Foot orthoses, braces, splints, and footwear advice
    • Post-operative care following orthopaedic surgery
    • Psychotherapy and psychology-led group sessions

    If your condition does not get better, we can take further steps. These may include:

    • Referrals for x-rays, MRIs, and blood testing
    • Referrals for medical opinions from other teams, such as orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management

    To find out more about how our MSK services in Bexley can help you, please visit our online portal

  • Reception phone number: 020 8302 6330

Our team

Bexley MSK is a multidisciplinary team. This means we are a group of professionals who specialise in different areas of medicine but work together to make decisions about how to care for MSK conditions. Being a multidisciplinary team helps us give you the best possible care.

When you use our service, you may see one or more health professionals. This helps make sure we find the right treatment plan for you.

Our specialist team includes:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists
  • Hand therapists
  • Pain psychologists

How to access this service

We run clinics at three locations:

Queen Mary's Hospital

Monday to Friday (8am - 5.30pm)

Saturday (8am - 1pm)

Erith & District Hospital

Monday to Tuesday and Thursday to Friday (8am - 5.30pm)

Wednesday (9.30am - 5.30pm)

Lakeside Health Centre

Not currently open due to Covid-19


When you fill in the self-referral form, please provide as much information as you can about your condition. This helps us assess your needs, understand your problem and suggest the next steps.

When we receive your self-referral, our team will contact you to arrange a call with one of our physiotherapists. This gives us a better idea of how we can best help you. The call will take around 20 minutes. Afterwards, we’ll discuss what treatment we think you need.

Self-referral is most helpful if you are suffering from recent injuries such as strains and sprains, or joint and muscular pain.

To refer yourself directly, please see our online portal:

Image link to Bexley MSK portal


How to contact this service


Public phone number: 020 8302 6330


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