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Oxleas House - Greenwich

  • Oxleas House provides 24-hour services for Greenwich residents with mental health problems. It is available when inpatient assessment or treatment becomes necessary.

Our aims

The unit offers a range of therapeutic programmes, including occupational therapy and ward-based activities.


There are four adult wards:


Avery Ward

Avery Ward is an acute female psychiatric ward for adults aged 18 to 65.


Shrewsbury Ward

Shrewsbury Ward is an acute male psychiatric ward for adults aged 18 to 65.


Shepherdleas Ward

Shepherdleas Ward provides 24-hour inpatient mental health services for older adults living in the borough of Greenwich.

It is a 19-bed ward for males and females over the age of 65 with mental health illnesses and learning disabilities. This includes organic illness (dementia).

The ward team delivers care together with the community teams, psychological therapies and social services.


The Tarn

The Tarn is a male psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) providing care for people between 18-65 years.

How to contact this service

Avery Ward: 0203 953 6380

Maryon Ward: 0203 953 6370       

Shrewsbury Ward: 0203 953 6390

Shepherdleas Ward: 0203 953 6360

The Tarn: 0203 953 6350

When visiting, please contact the wards to book an appointment.

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen