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Paediatric Continence and Enuresis Service - Bexley and Greenwich

  • The Bexley and Greenwich Paediatric Continence Service helps children between the ages of five and 18 with nocturnal enuresis, daytime urgency, frequency and wetting. We also work with children with constipation.

    The service offers specialist assessment and management of continence issues including:

    • Diet, fluid intake, sleep patterns and routines relating specifically to help with continence
    • Enuresis - night-time bed-wetting  
    • Daytime wetting
    • Constipation and overflow soiling
    • Provision of a range of interventions and treatments including reward charts, bed sensors, alarms and medication
    • Bladder scanning
    • Referral to GP or Community Paediatrics where needed

    There is a continence drop-in clinic for under-fives. However, this is for advice only. Children requiring treatments will be referred to their GP or other relevant healthcare professionals.

    Continence products are provided for children and young people who are in mainstream schools within Bexley or Greenwich or who are schooled out-of-borough but still have a Bexley or Greenwich GP.

    Children who attend a special school within the boroughs of Bexley and Greenwich will be seen by the CYP Specialist School Nursing team.

    A Continence Service clinician will assess whether continence products are suitable on a case-by-case basis. Well-defined criteria help them make this decision.

    Please email, or call 0208 319 9973 and leave a message with your contact details, your child’s name, their date of birth and a summary of what you need help with. Our Paediatric Continence advisor will contact you.

    For details of our forthcoming drop in sessions, please see below:

  • Address: Oxleas NHS Trust,  Goldie Leigh,  Lodge Hill,  1st Floor Bostall House, London, SE2 0AS
  • Reception phone number: 0208 319 9973

Our team

Greenwich Paediatric Continence Service is a nurse-led service.

How to access this service

To access this service, you must:

  • Be between the ages of five and 18
  • Be registered with a Bexley or Greenwich GP
  • Have already had appropriate Tier One interventions that have failed to help

Greenwich Paediatric Continence Service is a Tier Two service. Only children that have had appropriate Tier One interventions that failed will be accepted to the service.


For nocturnal enuresis, daytime urgency, frequency, or constipation, you can be referred to this service by:

  • GPs
  • Medical professionals
  • School nurses
  • Social Services

Self-referrals are accepted. However, parents/carers must ensure the child has been seen by their GP for a physical examination and certain checks are carried out so the form can be fully completed. 

The referral form can be found below. A copy can be emailed to you on request to:

How to contact this service

Oxleas NHS Trust,

Goldie Leigh,

Lodge Hill,

1st Floor Bostall House,




Public phone number: 0208 319 9973

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