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Podiatry Service - Greenwich

  • The Greenwich Podiatry Service treats problems with the feet and lower limbs. It focuses on the preventative care, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical issues.

    The Podiatry Service is for patients who have high-risk podiatric needs including:

    • Diabetic foot ulceration
    • Non-diabetic foot ulceration
    • Previous foot ulceration
    • A history of Charcot foot
    • Patients on dialysis
    • Previous amputation
    • Neuropathy in combination with lower limb peripheral arterial disease
    • Neuropathy in combination with callus/deformity
    • Lower limb peripheral arterial disease with or without callus/deformity
    • Nail surgery

    We do not accept referrals for:

    • Personal footcare and nail cutting
    • Skincare - tasks that are usually part of a healthy adult's everyday personal hygiene routine
    • Annual diabetic foot checks for patients who do not meet the eligibility criteria

    If you are looking for help wit personal foot care, please contact Age UK on 0208 300 0883 or visit the Royal College of Podiatry's 'find a podiatrist' service online at

    You can also call 0207 234 8620 for a list of HCPC podiatrists in your area.

  • Reception phone number: 020 8320 3550

How to access this service

To access this service, you must be:

  • Aged 18 or above
  • Registered with a Greenwich GP (this includes patients living in nursing homes and residential care homes)

We run podiatry clinics at:

  • Manor Brook Medical Centre
  • Garland Road Clinic
  • Fairfield Medical Centre
  • Wensley Close
  • Gallions Reach Health Centre
  • Greenwich Square Health Centre

We also offer home visits for bed-bound patients.


You can self-refer to the service. You can also be referred by:

  • Carers
  • Advocates
  • Your GP
  • A healthcare professional

We offer all new patients an assessment appointment. If your case is then reviewed, assessed as low risk and you are discharged, we will not accept a referral for the same condition within the next 12 months.

A podiatrist assesses every referral based on the information provided in the referral form. You can download the form below. Once filled in, email it to You can also speak to a member of staff by calling 020 8320 3550.

How to contact this service


Phone number: 020 8320 3550


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