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Suzanne Shale | Vice Chair

Suzanne Shale | Vice Chair

Professor Suzanne Shale is an independent ethics consultant, working with a diverse range of organisations across health and social care, the third sector, and the criminal justice system.

She has a long-standing interest in patient and service user experience of their health conditions, health care, and health care harm, and has published research in all of these areas, as well as leading collaborative projects in service improvement.

She is a Member of the General Medical Council, chairs the London Policing Ethics Panel and is a member of the National Policing Ethics Committee. Associated with her work in policing ethics, she is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London. Previous roles include having been a member of the Independent Reconfiguration Panel advising on NHS service reorganisations, chairing the national charity Action against Medical Accidents, and chairing a not-for-profit mental health provider. 

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