Wensley Close

Which appointments are held here?

Our speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy appointments are held at Wensley Close.

Address and contact details

4 Wensley Close, Eltham, SE9 5AB

Single Point of Access (SPA) team: 020 8836 8621 (option 2).

View map: Wensley Close

How to get here

Buses: The following buses stop nearby – 162, 233, 314, 132, 286, B15, B16, 160, 161, 162, 124, 126, 314, 321

Parking: There is very limited on-site parking. There is a pay and display car park in Sainsburys close by and pay and display on street parking in the surrounding streets.

Trains: Wensley Close is approximately a 15 minute walk from both Mottingham and Eltham train stations.

What does it look like?

Building Entrance

Wensley Close building entrace


Wensley Close reception1 Wensley Close reception2

Waiting Area

Wensley Close waiting area

Clinic rooms

  Wensley Close clinic rooms1 Wensley Close clinic rooms2 Wensley Close clinic rooms3 






Wensley Close Visual Timetable

Wensley Close

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care